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The digital exhibitions created here use images from materials from collaborating archives to tell a story around a particular theme or set of themes. The Prisoner of War Doodles exhibition, for example, uses multimedia objects to tell stories of the POW experience during World War II, drawing on many different voices from across the War & Conflict collection to do so. The Home exhibit, conversely, contextualizes the burgeoning interest in interior design and domestic innovation as reflected by the magazine market in the 1920s. 


We create new exhibits each month to showcase materials from some of our most popular collections. Keep a look out for what comes next!

Why use Digital Exhibits?

AM Quartex can be used to create digital exhibits as well as to display collections. Exhibits can comprise image, audio or video assets alongside additional images managed through the customer's Media Library. 

AM Quartex customers can create an unlimited number of digital exhibits, each of which can be published permanently or temporarily. These thematic slideshows feature contextual information in a descriptive panel alongside the featured item and additionally, can link out to AM Quartex records, other pages on your AM Quartex website, or external sites. 

There is no additional cost associated with creation of digital exhibits for Professional & Enterprise customers. 

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